Lily turned 6 on Thursday the 12th of June, but since we had vacation bible school all week long we decided to have her party on Saturday :) She of course thought she needed to invite half the town :) Everyone she saw she would tell them you can come to my Birthday pary and so 10 kids turned into like 16 not counting the little ones that came along with their mom's :) SO it was of course lots of fun :) hahah We just went down to the park and had cake and icecream, played and opened presents so nothing to crazy. She had soo much fun and got soooo many nice presents :)Lily had to tell everyone she saw that she wanted a Webkins so people took that to heart and she ended up with four :) hahha Abby got her wanting a Webkins since she was always talking about hers so that was all Lily could talk about for the past couple weeks :) While Lily was opening her present I was snapping pic's and I looked over to see Abby tell Karmen she "was sooooo Jealous" after the fourth one the poor little girl couldn't keep it inside anymore :) It was way toooo funny :) At least she honest :)
The Big Weigh in was today and the little Lady is 13 pounds and 8 oz :) She is getting bigger everyday, learnign new things all the time. This month her big thing was sitting up, she is still new at it so she does the usual fall right on your head in the blink of an eye :( But she get pretty proud thats for sure :)
I was Looking out the window the other day and this is what I saw :) It's are drunken neighbor that was sleeping in the lawn in the middle of the day, besides all that it was raining out. CRAZY Later the cops came and helped him inside :) Never a dull moment:)
The little lady can already sit up what a smart little girl she is :) She was getting alittle sick of all the attention she was getting :) And I mean Litterly :(